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A Flying Journey In The Sonic Universe

Keywords: Unity, VR, sonic interaction, VFX, fly...

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A Flying Journey in The Sonic Universe (new version)        2021        Designed and documented by Xiangrui Zeng


A Flying Journey in The Sonic Universe is a VR project that allows the viewers to fly in a starry sonic universe and play with sound. The viewers can manipulate the pitch of the environmental sound through the height of the VR controllers they hold and can trigger the sound of one star by flying towards it and touching it through the controller. A Flying Journey in The Sonic Universe creates a whole new environment where people can hear sound in space when, in reality, outer space is devoid of sound. It examines the relationship between humans, space, and sound through the interactive experience.

Worked with Shanghai Himalayas Museum and Re-NFT Shards Protocol, I built the new 2021 version of A Flying Journey in the Sonic Universe, which is the first artwork for HIMA Artverse, VR Museum.

A Flying Journey in The Sonic Universe        2019        Designed and documented by Xiangrui Zeng

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